100次浏览 发布时间:2023-03-28 13:33:10
In the years after World War II, the world greatly changed. Much of this was due to new technology. For instance, the jet was developed. This increased the speed of people people's travel.
There were also advances in telecommunications. Computer and Internet. It has became much easier for people to communicate with others all around the world. This has led to the spread of globalization.
Basically, the world is becoming a smaller place. In the past, what happened in one country rarely affected other countries. Or it took a long time for any effects to occur. But the world is different today. Because of globalization, what happens in one part of the world can affect places all around it.
Thanks to globalization, people can now do business more easily with those in other countries. When you go to the supermarket, you can see various foods from all of the different countries. This happens because of globalization. Also, people are learning more about other countries these days. This leads to more understanding about other countries.
In the age of globalization, there has not been a single world war. And the world is becoming rich. Globalization has surely been good for the world.
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